DU Meter V7.24 Build 4765.0 Serial Key
DU Meter V7.24 Build 4765.0 Serial Key >>>>> https://fancli.com/2tcKw5
Whether we or others have invented digital tools that will revolutionise the classics, we will need to take steps to ensure that the classics can flourish on these islands as the world itself changes. It is hard to imagine classical studies remaining at the forefront of the humanities, with such a strong and productive canon, unless we shape the way it is taught. Teachers and students at a high level, who have shared in the excitement of three decades of cheap, electronic resources for the classics, want to ensure that the next generation can access that wealth of information. These students want to learn as much as they possibly can -- until they have learned deeply enough -- and they want to catch up quickly, to compete with their contemporaries. We will need to make it easier for our students to catch-up. We will need to think hard about the best ways to encourage them to keep working.
Although certain readers are beginning to require that texts be read merely for their own pleasure, our students have tended to be more ambitious. Some classics scholars - and some of their most gifted students - are beginning to demand extratextual analysis as a central part of an appreciation of the classics. If you look at the best of the original scholarship of the last decade, you will find at least as much contextual exploration as description. This exploration is going to be more productive and necessary if we are to retain a body of knowledge that both speaks to the needs of a prosperous and creative society and informs a set of ethical values that both promotes and preserves intellectual freedom.
As things stand, our students cannot expect to read, say, a journeyman's account of classical Athens, compiled from many sources, and then turn immediately to an in-depth examination of philosophical ideas. They need to read critically. Without critical reading, they will make mistakes -- often semantic but certainly syntactic - and they will miss things. They need the ability to ask penetrating questions to slot an apparently superficial text securely into scholarly paradigms. The ability to connect the classics to their own cultural understandings will be central to every student's education. d2c66b5586